Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Spraying:

The gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, is one of North America’s most devastating forest pests. The species originally evolved in Europe and Asia and has existed there for thousands of years. In either 1868 or 1869, the gypsy moth was accidentally introduced near Boston, MA by E. Leopold Trouvelot. About 10 years after this introduction, the first outbreaks began in Trouvelot’s neighborhood and in 1890 the State and Federal Government began their attempts to eradicate the gypsy moth. These attempts ultimately failed and since that time, the range of gypsy moth has continued to spread.
The gypsy moth is known to feed on on the foliage of hundreds of species of plants in North America but its most common hosts are oaks.

How we treat:

We recommend a combination or natural oil and bacterial sprays in early spring and summer. Upon evaluation of your property we will set up a custom program based on the infestation that is existing. We will also recommend a continuing maintenance program for your entire property for future outbreaks.